Archives of Commemorative Lectures

A lecture transcript file (pdf) contains the lecture in Japanese, English, and the language in which the lecture was given.

  • My Life in Science

    John Pendry/ Theoretical Physicist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • A Ramble Through Geologic Time

    Paul F. Hoffman/ Geologist

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • Sometimes I Kiss Flowers

    William Forsythe/ Choreographer

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • Analysis and Assistance of Mammalian Fertilization: My 60-year Journey

    Ryuzo Yanagimachi/ Reproductive Biologist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • My Journey Through Physics and Mathematics

    Elliott H. Lieb/ Mathematician and Physicist

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • My Reality is Different

    Nalini Malani/ Artist

    Arts and Philosophy


  • A Personal Journey Through the Information Revolution

    Carver Mead/ Electronics Engineer and Applied Physicist

    Advanced Technology


  • Epidemiological and Evolutionary Dynamics of Pathogens in Time and Space

    Bryan T. Grenfell/ Population Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • Commemorative Lecture and Performance

    Zakir Hussain/ Tabla Player

    Arts and Philosophy


  • A Journey Through Computer Science

    Andrew Chi-Chih Yao/ Computer Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • Regulation of Transcription in Animal Cells: A 50-year Journey Revealing an Expanding Universe of Factors and Mechanisms

    Robert G. Roeder/ Biochemist and Molecular Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Life Sciences and Medicine

  • How to React to a Change in Cosmology

    Bruno Latour/ Philosopher

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • Evolution of OLED Display Technology

    Ching W. Tang/ Chemist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • Understanding the Universe and the Things That Live in It Through Astronomical Surveys

    James Gunn/ Astrophysicist

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • Did You Really Know to Whom You Were Giving This Prize?

    Ariane Mnouchkine/ Stage Director

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • Optogenetics: Studying Proteins from Single-celled Algae to Illuminate the Mysteries of the Brain

    Karl Deisseroth/ Neuroscientist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • Fifty Years with Algebraic Analysis

    Masaki Kashiwara/ Mathematician

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • In the Shadow a Shadow

    Joan Jonas/ Artist

    Arts and Philosophy


  • My Fifty Years with Transistor

    Takashi Mimura/ Semiconductor Engineer

    Advanced Technology


  • The Magical Mystery Tour from Physics and Applied Mathematics to Plant Physiology

    Graham Farquhar/ Plant Physiologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • All Was Foreseen; Nothing Was Foreseen

    Richard Taruskin/ Musicologist

    Arts and Philosophy


  • Think like an Amateur, Do as an Expert: Fun Research in Computer Vision and Robotics

    Takeo Kanade/ Roboticist

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • Serendipities of Acquired Immunity

    Tasuku Honjo/ Medical Scientist

    Basic Sciences

    Life Sciences and Medicine

  • Philosophy in the Service of Humanity

    Martha Craven Nussbaum/ Philosopher

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • The Road I Have Taken: Spellbound by the Wonders of Research

    Toyoki Kunitake/ Chemist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • Extrasolar Planets: An Old Dream of Humanity—a Modern Reality of Astrophysics

    Michel Mayor/ Astrophysicist

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • Moving People: Dance as the Living Shape of Emotion

    John Neumeier/ Choreographer

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • The Struggles and Dreams of a Young Chemical Engineer

    Robert Samuel Langer/ Biomedical Engineer

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • Adventures in Physics and Math

    Edward Witten/ Theoretical Physicist

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • Light, Life and Colour

    Fukumi Shimura/ Dyeing and Weaving Artist

    Arts and Philosophy


  • Reflections on Creativity in My Microelectronics Career

    Robert Heath Dennard/ Electronics Engineer

    Advanced Technology


  • Theory and Reality of Evolutionary Biology

    Masatoshi Nei/ Evolutionary Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • Cecil Taylor/ Jazz Musician

    Arts and Philosophy


  • What Things Look Like

    Ivan Edward Sutherland/ Computer Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • The World of Autophagy as Seen through Yeast—The Intracellular Recycling System—

    Yoshinori Ohsumi/ Molecular Cell Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Life Sciences and Medicine

  • Many Voices

    Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak/ Literary Critic, Educator

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • Science during Paradigm Creation

    John Werner Cahn/ Materials Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • 50 Years of Continuous Revolution in Astrophysics and Cosmology

    Rashid Alievich Sunyaev/ Astrophysicist

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • My Thoughts on the Performing Arts

    Tamasaburo Bando V/ Kabuki Actor

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • New Medical Science Arising from iPS Cells

    Shinya Yamanaka/ Medical Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • A Fledgeling Subject Bridging Classical Theory and New Applications

    László Lovász/ Mathematician

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • Meeting the World Halfway (A Johannesburg Biography)

    William Kentridge/ Visual Artist

    Arts and Philosophy


  • Enchanted Journeys in Blue Light

    Isamu Akasaki/ Semiconductor Scientist

    Advanced Technology


  • In Charles Darwin's Footsteps

    Barbara Rosemary Grant/ Evolutionary Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • In Charles Darwin's Footsteps

    Peter Raymond Grant/ Evolutionary Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • Labyrinth of Ideals

    Pierre Boulez/ Composer, Conductor

    Arts and Philosophy


  • The Power and Limits of Algorithms

    Richard Manning Karp/ Computer Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • Thinking about How Living Things Work

    Anthony James Pawson/ Molecular Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Life Sciences and Medicine

  • What Drove Me to Philosophy

    Charles Margrave Taylor/ Philosopher

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • My Journey in Chemical Research—Learning from People and Things

    Hiroo Inokuchi/ Chemist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • Falling in Love with Waves

    Hiroo Kanamori/ Geophysicist

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • What Moves Me

    Pina Bausch/ Choreographer and Artistic Director

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • The More We Learn

    Leonard Arthur Herzenberg/ Immunologist and Geneticist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • The Use of Mathematics for Deciphering the Movement of an Object: A Historical Review of the Introduction of AIC

    Hirotugu Akaike/ Statistical Mathematician

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • One Life, One Thread, and One Piece of Cloth: The Work of Issey Miyake

    Issey Miyake/ Designer

    Arts and Philosophy


  • A Moveable Feast

    George H. Heilmeier/ Electronics Engineer

    Advanced Technology


  • Building on Strengths and Finding One’s Purpose

    Simon Asher Levin/ Ecologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • From Marionettes to the Great Orchestras

    Nikolaus Harnoncourt/ Musician

    Arts and Philosophy


  • The Center of “Why?”

    Alan Curtis Kay/ Computer Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • Reflections on a Life

    Alfred George Knudson, Jr./ Geneticist and Physician

    Basic Sciences

    Life Sciences and Medicine

  • Public Space and Political Public Sphere—The Biological Roots of Two Motifs in My Thought

    Jürgen Habermas/ Philosopher

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • All in the Family: The Human Side of Guiding Academic Research

    George McClelland Whitesides/ Chemist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • Curiosity as a Career

    Eugene Newman Parker/ Physicist

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • Man of Bunraku

    Tamao Yoshida Ⅰ/ Bunraku Puppeteer

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • My Life and Adventures Integrating Biology and Technology

    Leroy Edward Hood/ Biologist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • Spaces Beyond the Space

    Mikhael Leonidovich Gromov/ Mathematician

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • Thinking about our Environment in the 21st Century

    Tadao Ando/ Architect

    Arts and Philosophy


  • Remembrances

    Morton B. Panish/ Physical Chemist

    Advanced Technology


  • Half a Century’s Journey in Research: Applying Physics for the Benefit of Society

    Izuo Hayashi/ Physicist

    Advanced Technology


  • The Story of My Life and Heterostructures

    Zhores Ivanovich Alferov/ Physicist

    Advanced Technology


  • The Marriage of Mathematics and Biology

    John Maynard Smith/ Evolutional Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • Between Science, Music and Politics

    György Ligeti/ Composer

    Arts and Philosophy


  • Stories from a Life in Interesting Times

    Antony Hoare/ Computer Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • The Journey of a Biologist

    Walter Jakob Gehring/ Developmental Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Life Sciences and Medicine

  • Critique and Conviction

    Paul Ricœur/ Philosopher

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • The Science and Technology of Made Things

    W. David Kingery/ Ceramic Material Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • The Luck of Walter Munk

    Walter H. Munk/ Oceanographer

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • Dance and Civilization

    Maurice Béjart/ Choreographer

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • From Nature to Natural Science

    Kurt Wüthrich/ Structural Biologist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • My Sixty Years along the Path of Probability Theory

    Kiyosi Itô/ Mathematician

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • Norbert Wiener and Marshall Mcluhan: Communication Revolution

    Nam June Paik/ Media artist

    Arts and Philosophy


  • My Computer Odyssey

    Stanley Mazor/ Software Engineer

    Advanced Technology


  • A Few Thoughts on Computer Technology for the 21st Century

    Marcian Edward Hoff, Jr./ Electronics Engineer

    Advanced Technology


  • My Life in Silicon Valley: Bringing New Products into the World

    Federico Faggin/ Semiconductor Engineer and Entrepreneur

    Advanced Technology


  • The Microprocessor and I: It All Starts with the Application

    Masatoshi Shima/ Semiconductor Engineer

    Advanced Technology


  • Gardenification of Wildland Nature and How to Absorb the Human Footprint

    Daniel Hunt Janzen/ Tropical Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • My Way

    Iannis Xenakis/ Composer

    Arts and Philosophy


  • Digital Typography

    Donald Ervin Knuth/ Computer Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • The Making of a Scientist

    Mario Renato Capecchi/ Molecular Geneticist

    Basic Sciences

    Life Sciences and Medicine

  • Tidy Parsimony

    Willard Van Orman Quine/ Philosopher

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • My Life Working with Liquid Crystals—and How They Work for Us

    George William Gray/ Chemist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • Astrophysics and I—Motivations, Methods, and the Outline of My Research—

    Chushiro Hayashi/ Astrophysicist

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • A Review of My Work Since 1961

    Roy Lichtenstein/ Artist

    Arts and Philosophy


  • To Think, to Do, to Believe

    Paul Christian Lauterbur/ Chemist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • My Life with Mathematics and with Bourbaki

    André Weil/ Mathematician

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • My View of Movies

    Akira Kurosawa/ Film Director

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • The Joy of Engineering

    Jack St. Clair Kilby/ Semiconductor Engineer

    Advanced Technology


  • Between Shoreham and Downe: Seeking the Key to Natural Beauty

    William Donald Hamilton/ Evolutionary Biologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • Life and Music

    Witold Lutoslawski/ Composer

    Arts and Philosophy


  • A Computer Engineer Looks Back

    Maurice Vincent Wilkes/ Computer Engineer

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • “Communication” in Science

    Yasutomi Nishizuka/ Biochemist

    Basic Sciences

    Life Sciences and Medicine

  • How I Became a Philosopher without Trying

    Karl Raimund Popper/ Philosopher

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • The Harder One Works the More Luck One Gets

    Michael Szwarc/ Macromolecular Chemist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • A Scientist by Choice

    Edward Norton Lorenz/ Meteorologist

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • The Golden Fish

    Peter Stephen Paul Brook/ Stage Director

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • Adventures with Genes

    Sydney Brenner/ Molecular Biologist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • The Chimpanzee—a Living Bridge Between Man and Beast

    Jane Goodall/ Primatologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • Architecture in My Experience As a Frontier Between Art and Science

    Renzo Piano/ Architect

    Arts and Philosophy


  • Creativity and Innovation in a Large System Environment: a Personal Account

    Amos Edward Joel, Jr./ Telecommunication Engineer

    Advanced Technology


  • Two Archetypes in the Psychology of Man

    Izrail Moiseevich Gelfand/ Mathematician

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • An Extended Autobiography

    John Cage/ Composer

    Arts and Philosophy


  • The Logic and Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence

    John McCarthy/ Computer Scientist

    Advanced Technology

    Information Science

  • Language and Mind: Challenges and Prospects

    Avram Noam Chomsky/ Theoretical Linguist

    Basic Sciences

    Cognitive Science

  • On the Beginnings of Indian Philosophy

    Paul Thieme/ Indologist

    Arts and Philosophy

    Thought and Ethics

  • Metallurgy and the Evolution of Materials Science and Engineering

    Morris Cohen/ Metallurgist

    Advanced Technology

    Materials Science and Engineering

  • Horizons

    Jan Hendrik Oort/ Astronomer

    Basic Sciences

    Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics

  • Observing Life Through a Camera

    Andrzej Wajda/ Film Director

    Arts and Philosophy

    Theater, Cinema

  • The Exciting Potentials of Biology

    Nicole Marthe Le Douarin/ Developmental Biologist

    Advanced Technology

    Biotechnology and Medical Technology

  • Keep Walking

    George Evelyn Hutchinson/ Limnologist

    Basic Sciences

    Biological Sciences

  • The Road I Have Walked

    Isamu Noguchi/ Sculptor

    Arts and Philosophy


  • What Is System Theory?

    Rudolf Emil Kalman/ Control Theory Scientist

    Advanced Technology


  • Development of Communication and Computing, and My Hobby

    Claude Elwood Shannon/ Information Scientist

    Basic Sciences

    Mathematical Sciences

  • Ma vie avec la foi et la musique

    Olivier Messiaen/ Composer

    Arts and Philosophy


  • Pursuing Health All over the World—International Cooperation of the Medical Science

    The Nobel Foundation/ Foundation


    The Special Commemorative Kyoto Prize