John Pendry
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Paul F. Hoffman
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
William Forsythe
[Theater, Cinema]
Ryuzo Yanagimachi
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
Elliott H. Lieb
[Mathematical Sciences]
Nalini Malani
Carver Mead
Bryan T. Grenfell
[Biological Sciences]
Zakir Hussain
Andrew Chi-Chih Yao
[Information Science]
Robert G. Roeder
[Life Sciences and Medicine]
Bruno Latour
[Thought and Ethics]
Ching W. Tang
[Materials Science and Engineering]
James Gunn
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
Ariane Mnouchkine
[Theater, Cinema]
Karl Deisseroth
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
Masaki Kashiwara
[Mathematical Sciences]
Joan Jonas
Takashi Mimura
Graham Farquhar
[Biological Sciences]
Richard Taruskin
Takeo Kanade
[Information Science]
Tasuku Honjo
[Life Sciences and Medicine]
Martha Craven Nussbaum
[Thought and Ethics]
Toyoki Kunitake
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Michel Mayor
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
John Neumeier
[Theater, Cinema]
Robert Samuel Langer
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
Edward Witten
[Mathematical Sciences]
Fukumi Shimura
Robert Heath Dennard
Masatoshi Nei
[Biological Sciences]
Cecil Taylor
Ivan Edward Sutherland
[Information Science]
Yoshinori Ohsumi
[Life Sciences and Medicine]
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
[Thought and Ethics]
John Werner Cahn
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Rashid Alievich Sunyaev
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
Tamasaburo Bando V
[Theater, Cinema]
Shinya Yamanaka
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
László Lovász
[Mathematical Sciences]
William Kentridge
Isamu Akasaki
Barbara Rosemary Grant
[Biological Sciences]
Peter Raymond Grant
[Biological Sciences]
Pierre Boulez
Richard Manning Karp
[Information Science]
Anthony James Pawson
[Life Sciences and Medicine]
Charles Margrave Taylor
[Thought and Ethics]
Hiroo Inokuchi
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Hiroo Kanamori
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
Pina Bausch
[Theater, Cinema]
Leonard Arthur Herzenberg
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
Hirotugu Akaike
[Mathematical Sciences]
Issey Miyake
George H. Heilmeier
Simon Asher Levin
[Biological Sciences]
Nikolaus Harnoncourt
Alan Curtis Kay
[Information Science]
Alfred George Knudson, Jr.
[Life Sciences and Medicine]
Jürgen Habermas
[Thought and Ethics]
George McClelland Whitesides
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Eugene Newman Parker
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
Tamao Yoshida Ⅰ
[Theater, Cinema]
Leroy Edward Hood
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
Mikhael Leonidovich Gromov
[Mathematical Sciences]
Tadao Ando
Morton B. Panish
Izuo Hayashi
Zhores Ivanovich Alferov
John Maynard Smith
[Biological Sciences]
György Ligeti
Antony Hoare
[Information Science]
Walter Jakob Gehring
[Life Sciences and Medicine]
Paul Ricœur
[Thought and Ethics]
W. David Kingery
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Walter H. Munk
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
Maurice Béjart
[Theater, Cinema]
Kurt Wüthrich
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
Kiyosi Itô
[Mathematical Sciences]
Nam June Paik
Stanley Mazor
Marcian Edward Hoff, Jr.
Federico Faggin
Masatoshi Shima
Daniel Hunt Janzen
[Biological Sciences]
Iannis Xenakis
Donald Ervin Knuth
[Information Science]
Mario Renato Capecchi
[Life Sciences and Medicine]
Willard Van Orman Quine
[Thought and Ethics]
George William Gray
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Chushiro Hayashi
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
Roy Lichtenstein
Paul Christian Lauterbur
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
André Weil
[Mathematical Sciences]
Akira Kurosawa
[Theater, Cinema]
Jack St. Clair Kilby
William Donald Hamilton
[Biological Sciences]
Witold Lutoslawski
Maurice Vincent Wilkes
[Information Science]
Yasutomi Nishizuka
[Life Sciences and Medicine]
Karl Raimund Popper
[Thought and Ethics]
Michael Szwarc
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Edward Norton Lorenz
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
Peter Stephen Paul Brook
[Theater, Cinema]
Sydney Brenner
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
Jane Goodall
[Biological Sciences]
Renzo Piano
Amos Edward Joel, Jr.
Izrail Moiseevich Gelfand
[Mathematical Sciences]
John Cage
John McCarthy
[Information Science]
Avram Noam Chomsky
[Cognitive Science]
Paul Thieme
[Thought and Ethics]
Morris Cohen
[Materials Science and Engineering]
Jan Hendrik Oort
[Earth and Planetary Sciences, Astronomy and Astrophysics]
Andrzej Wajda
[Theater, Cinema]
Nicole Marthe Le Douarin
[Biotechnology and Medical Technology]
George Evelyn Hutchinson
[Biological Sciences]
Isamu Noguchi
Rudolf Emil Kalman
Claude Elwood Shannon
[Mathematical Sciences]
Olivier Messiaen
The Nobel Foundation
[The Special Commemorative Kyoto Prize]