The 2022 Kyoto Prize Symposium (KPS) will be held in-person and virtually on March 30 and 31, 2022. The Opening Ceremonies & Gala will be live-streamed. Three presentations by the latest Kyoto Prize laureates; one in-person and the other two virtually, are open to the public at no charge.
The symposium features lectures by the latest Kyoto Prize laureates and esteemed scholars in the laureates’ fields. It aims to provide an opportunity for an international audience to learn about the achievements of the laureates and to discuss the relationship between their accomplishments and their contribution to society.
Date and time: March 30 18:30- (PDT) / March 31 10:30- (JST)
Andrew Chi-Chih Yao (2021 laureate in Advanced Technology)
Date and time: March 30 10:00- (PDT) / March 31 2:00 – (JST)
Venue: Online
Robert G. Roeder (2021 laureate in Basic Sciences)
Date and time: March 30 13:30- (PDT) / March 31 5:30- (JST)
Venue: Institute of the Americas, University of California, San Diego
*Invitation only
Bruno Latour (2021 laureate in Arts and Philosophy)
Date and time: March 31 16:00- (PDT) / April 1 8:00- (JST)
Venue: Online
*Symposium events are to be presented in English.
Participation is free (advance registration required).
We welcome you to join us and enjoy!
KPS is part of the Inamori Foundation’s social contribution activities overseas. It has been held since 2002, thanks to the dedicated and generous support of the Kyoto Symposium Organization, co-hosting universities (University of California, San Diego and Point Loma Nazarene University), and local citizens in San Diego.