On November 14, in honor of the 2024 Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences, Dr. Paul F. Hoffman’s commemorative lecture was held at 21KOMCEE, the University of Tokyo. Dr. Hoffman (photo above) delivered an impassioned lecture on the impact of snowball Earth on the evolution of living organisms, followed by Dr. Joseph Kirschvink (photo below), proponent of the snowball Earth hypothesis, who discussed how he proposed the hypothesis and the origin of oxygen in an atmosphere of the Earth.
The lecture hall was packed with about 200 students and researchers. During the Q&A session, both speakers eagerly responded to questions about science, and gave advice kindly on how they conduct their interdisciplinary research.
After the lecture, a reception was held at the venue in the university. Dr. Hoffman and Dr. Kirschvink cultivated their friendship with researchers as well as Kyoto Prize selection organization members.
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