Kyoto Prize Laureates Lively Exchange at University of Oxford

Public lecture (C)John Cairns and Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

On May 7 and 8, the “Kyoto Prize at Oxford” was held by inviting previous year’s Kyoto Prize laureates into the University of Oxford, UK, concluding the 2023 Kyoto Prize series of events.

Q&A session after the lecture (C)John Cairns and Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Dr. Elliott H. Lieb (Mathematician and Physicist), laureate in Basic Sciences, and Ms. Nalini Malani (Artist), laureate in Arts and Philosophy, gave public lectures organized by the Blavatnik School of Government (“BSG”), University of Oxford on May 8. The lecture took place in the main hall (Inamori Forum) at BSG where not only university researchers and students but also local high school students attended and listened intently to the laureates’ words. After the lectures, there was a Q&A session, where many questions, highly specialized, were asked by the audience.

Panel discussion (C)Andrew Bailey and Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

Before the lecture, a panel discussion was held at the Ashmolean Museum on May 7, facilitated by Dean Ngaire Woods of BSG, where Dr. Lieb and Ms. Malani exchanged views and discussed insights from their careers and the possible future challenges. At the beginning of the panel, a memorial video for Dr. Ryuzo Yanagimachi, laureate in Advanced Technology who passed away last year, was also shown.

Dinner at the Ashmolean Museum (C)Andrew Bailey and Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

In addition, a dinner and a closing reception were also held. The two-day event successfully ended with laureates and local participants interacting with each other.

Closing reception at the terrace, BSG (C)Andrew Bailey and Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

▶What is the “Kyoto Prize at Oxford”?
In 2016, Inamori Foundation and the University of Oxford in the UK entered into a partnership agreement sharing mutual values and philosophy. The Blavatnik School of Government has invited Kyoto Prize laureates and organized diverse programs filled with intellectual stimulation, including public lectures and panel discussions, each May since 2017. The event was held for the 7th time this year.

(C)John Cairns and Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford

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